The Giant Forest Hog is the largest wild pig species in the world. They grow to 130-210 cm. and can weigh 100-275 lbs. Female Hogs usually have 2-4 piglets in a liter. The average Giant Forest Hogs live span is 5 years in the wild. A Forest hog is a retiring species, the Forest Hog was not described until 1904, and still is not studied in most parts of the world. When it is day time temperatures are high, which is when the species is hunted, most activity occurs between the morning and midnight.
Giant Forest Hogs famlies are 6-14 animals, usually with at least one adult male, and several adult females. Diet: Primarily grass, but also leaves, fruits, eggs, and animal matter. The main predators of a forest hog is Spotted hyena, lion, leopard.
The Giant Forest Hog is mainly located in Africa. These hogs usually have their habitats in savannas, grassland, and forest. Giant Forest Hogs prefer thick bushes and a permanent water source for drinking out of.